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Water Retention In Legs - Know The Reasons Behind Water Retention In Your Body

Friday, February 24, 2012

Water retention causes include kidney and heart problems. These are mainly the inability of the kidney and heart to do their function which can lead to swelling of the ankles and the legs. Normally, the retention of water in the legs and ankles are caused by the weak circulation in the leg veins. This will usually occur during pregnancy. In older people it is a result from their varicose veins. Sometimes it is also caused by the congestion of the person's lymphatic system. This condition is known as lymphoedema which commonly occurs after having a surgery. Retention of water is also generally experienced by people who are immobile most of the time. This is common to people who are in wheelchairs, hospital beds and those who are on long haul flights. These people can develop water retention because they have no regular movement and hence the lymphatic system is having a difficult time in draining away excess fluids out of the tissues. In women, they commonly experience premenstrual retention of water which is a result of hormonal change during their menstrual cycle.

One of the major water retention causes is eating too much salty foods. Salt contains sodium which is diluted by water if there is too much of it. Salt can make a person thirsty and your body will hang on to water. Decreasing the salt in your diet can help in releasing retention of water.

Some of the lesser known water retention causes are hormonal levels and medicines. Your body tends to hold on to water if you have high levels of hormones. This usually occurs to people who are having insulin for their sugar and cortisone which usually occurs when a person is under stressed. The female hormones estrogen and progesterone are also some causes; the effects of these hormones on sodium levels in your body are the main causes of your body having to retain more water. Prescribed medicines such as painkillers and contraceptive pills can also have an effect on your hormones which could then result in having your body to retain water. Retention of water caused by hormones is generally spread around the body and most of time your tummy will be generally affected. Sometimes women can experience retention of water in the breast which can lead to breast swelling and breast tenderness.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6852166

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